Chocolate Lessons
Photos appeared in GOOD with the article This Might Be The Only Way To Get Kids To Care About Biodiversity (September 2, 2016) "Tell a group of kids that you want to talk to them about biodiversity and the dangers of food additives, and you may get a few eye rolls. Tell them that you want to talk to them about chocolate, and they're all yours."
Shot July 2016 at Alemany Farm in San Francisco.

High summer in the arctic hamlet of Pangnirtung.In August of 2011, with funding from the Nunavut Department of the Environment and Nunavut Tourism, Alisha Lumea, senior writer and consultant on food and sustainability issues, journeyed with award-winning producer/director David Kennard of InCA Productions to the Nunavut Territory of the Canadian arctic for the first filming and development of the documentary Deep Waters.
In the Arctic, land and water are linked like no other place on earth. What happens in the water dramatically effects what happens to the human population above. Being out of from town is referred to as being “on the land,” but much of that land is really ice. Fishing is as culturally important as hunting. It provides a product that can link Nunavut to the wider world — and could generate much needed income if the challenges can be overcome.
A melting ice cap, disappearing sea ice, rising sea levels, unpredictable seasons, wildlife and fish populations that disappear, then explode and show up where they’ve never been before — this is already happening in Nunavut, Canada’s far north-eastern Territory. Extreme climate change is hitting the Arctic first, right now. At the same time, traditional, native Inuit culture is also struggling to adapt to the modern world. How can people cope when their environment — both natural and human — is changing faster than anyone can comprehend?
Deep Waters was designed as a one-hour documentary film that explores life in the extreme northeast of Canada through the lens of the area’s fisheries, as people struggle to adapt to a rapidly changing environment and a rapidly changing cultural space. WATCH THE TRAILER